vincelaconte: Beijing Capital Airport
vincelaconte: LONG people mover at Beijing Central Airport.
vincelaconte: Foreigners wait in separate lines from Chinese
vincelaconte: "You have your papers sir?" "Uh."
vincelaconte: Mural, Beijing Central Airport
vincelaconte: my humble room at the Peninsula Palace Hotel
vincelaconte: What a nice little foyer!
vincelaconte: The tub at the Peninsula Palace Hotel has a range of digital controls
vincelaconte: Fun with shaving mirrors
vincelaconte: Closeup of the tub controls. I can place phone calls!
vincelaconte: View from room at the Peninsula Palace Hotel
vincelaconte: Indiana Jones on a plasma screen! With Mandarin subtitles!
vincelaconte: Aw yeah, I'm ROLLIN' in the Maos
vincelaconte: Vivien introduces the Asian IIT alumni gathering
vincelaconte: Ada stands ready to assist
vincelaconte: Viven and Darsh attempt to entertain IIT alumni
vincelaconte: pretty bored-looking alumni
vincelaconte: faux chandelier, ballroom ceiling, Peninsula Palace
vincelaconte: blurry IIT China staff ladies - so giggly!
vincelaconte: Ah, Peking duck
vincelaconte: Roast Peking Duck pancake rolls!
vincelaconte: Sarah and Rebecca apres le duck
vincelaconte: view from my Peninsula room, dawn
vincelaconte: Elevator foyer, Peninsula Palace (6th flr)
vincelaconte: Front entrance, Peninsula Hotel
vincelaconte: Crazy Beijing cyclists
vincelaconte: So this is where those girls got me all those chestnuts!
vincelaconte: Cigars? No...
vincelaconte: All true!