Tuli Ki Puna:
Kissed by the yellow Sunshine. A quick thought of the Spring. It's yellow. The fresh blue comes from the Sky.
Tuli Ki Puna:
Little green Sunbeam Fairies are running to wake You all up. And You'll do it with smile on your violet lips.
Tuli Ki Puna:
Soon soon and around the year. They're blooming.
Tuli Ki Puna:
Hushaby, She's laughing. A little Happy-Face.
Tuli Ki Puna:
Put a Cheek on my soft Cheek. Let's have soft Dreams.
Tuli Ki Puna:
Hello Sunshine - give me some yellow Photos!
Tuli Ki Puna:
Towards the Sun.
Tuli Ki Puna:
Blooming needs warm Kisses.
Tuli Ki Puna:
I want to jump into the white softness.
Tuli Ki Puna:
Almost there, almost ready.
Tuli Ki Puna:
One Green.
Tuli Ki Puna:
Green Butterflies on my Neck make me blush.