Tulay Emekli: As for the mystery..that was a big surprise for me too;-) Reflections in the glass reflected onto the rocks!:)
Tulay Emekli: Here is another mystery for you to solve:What's that on the rock?
Tulay Emekli: Levels / Tide Lines
Tulay Emekli: For my friend Ahmetakoz,who lives very close to this area .I first saw this very interesting rock in his outstanding shots.
Tulay Emekli: Lone tree
Tulay Emekli: P1190992
Tulay Emekli: P1160373
Tulay Emekli: P1160371
Tulay Emekli: P1160308
Tulay Emekli: Heaven!
Tulay Emekli: P1160406
Tulay Emekli: P1160334
Tulay Emekli: P1160331
Tulay Emekli: P1160323
Tulay Emekli: P1160321
Tulay Emekli: P8120059
Tulay Emekli: Heraklia/Kapıkırı
Tulay Emekli: Rocky mountains in Heraklia
Tulay Emekli: An ancient castle in Heraklia
Tulay Emekli: in the shade of a tree
Tulay Emekli: On the road from Madrid to Bordeaux..