TudorSeulean: Roebuck
TudorSeulean: Male pheasant
TudorSeulean: Could be a whinchat/mărăcinar mare
TudorSeulean: Sfrâncioc roşiatic/red-backed shrike
TudorSeulean: Deer again. Sopor village in background
TudorSeulean: Deer getting ready to dart to the right
TudorSeulean: Deer involved in accelerated events
TudorSeulean: Ferrari should adopt this as their new logo
TudorSeulean: Deer getting ready to take off again
TudorSeulean: Deer running to the hills to escape my pursuit
TudorSeulean: Deer taking refuge behind fence
TudorSeulean: Here liveth the suspect
TudorSeulean: Peek-a-boo! I wonder, is that nuisance of a photographer still around??
TudorSeulean: The elusive tenant of the hollow
TudorSeulean: Green woodpecker caught red-handed in typical woodpecker posture
TudorSeulean: Pheasant running like a roadrunner!
TudorSeulean: Deer startled by me, springing into action
TudorSeulean: Deer darting across thistle
TudorSeulean: Deer taking evasive action
TudorSeulean: Deer shooting past in opposite direction
TudorSeulean: Deer escaping my pursuit
TudorSeulean: Deer out of range
TudorSeulean: Can U spot the deer? Clue: there's 2!
TudorSeulean: The elusive Golden Eagle! Acvila de munte
TudorSeulean: Cheile Turzii/Turda Gorge, Cluj County, Transylvania, Romania: the rare golden eagle, emblem of Turda Gorge (and Mexico)
TudorSeulean: The elusive Golden Eagle! Acvila de munte
TudorSeulean: The elusive Golden Eagle! Acvila de munte
TudorSeulean: Presură galbenă/Yellowhammer
TudorSeulean: Graur/European starling
TudorSeulean: Sfrâncioc mare/Great grey shrike