susan *tt*: gate.
susan *tt*: crossword.
susan *tt*: steeple.
susan *tt*: favorite jeans.
susan *tt*: levis *lomo-fied*.
susan *tt*: wrought iron curls.
susan *tt*: buddy's toy basket.
susan *tt*: tulsa.
susan *tt*: parking lot.
susan *tt*: lamp.
susan *tt*: heavy traffic.
susan *tt*: bricks & glass.
susan *tt*: crowning glory.
susan *tt*: hmmm.
susan *tt*: motel.
susan *tt*: what now.
susan *tt*: star light.
susan *tt*: safari joe's.
susan *tt*: thanks. =)
susan *tt*: mow job.
susan *tt*: center theatre.
susan *tt*: passionately pink for the cure.
susan *tt*: a day in the life. (pt. 1)
susan *tt*: a day in the life. (pt. 2)
susan *tt*: a day in the life. (pt. 3)
susan *tt*: a day in the life. (pt. 4)
susan *tt*: mmmmmm....
susan *tt*: He was my cream, and I was his coffee. And when you poured us together, it was something.
susan *tt*: I always fear that creation will expire before teatime.