tudedude: Clarrie Looking over Salisbury Plains
tudedude: Clarrie at Devizes Camp Site
tudedude: Flower Tub
tudedude: A Shed
tudedude: Canal Boat Kennet and Avon
tudedude: Canal Boat
tudedude: Bridge reflections
tudedude: Victorian Bridge
tudedude: Canal Boat
tudedude: Evening on the Canal
tudedude: Narrow Boats
tudedude: Narrow boats
tudedude: Dutch Sailing Barge
tudedude: Locks
tudedude: Dutch Sailing Barge 1905
tudedude: Kennet and Avon Canal
tudedude: Swans Nest
tudedude: Old Crane
tudedude: Caen Hill Locks
tudedude: A Dark Duck - melanistic Mallard
tudedude: Bridge Kennet and Avon Canal
tudedude: Old Pig Pens
tudedude: Working the Locks
tudedude: Canal Side Hand Crane
tudedude: On The way Down
tudedude: Wadworth Brewery Devizes
tudedude: Life on the Canal
tudedude: The Bridge that isn't there
tudedude: Locks and Fishermen
tudedude: Old Crane Ruston Bucrus 22 RB