Tubs McHam: Shieldbug instar nymph
Tubs McHam: Scolopostethus thomsoni
Tubs McHam: IMG_1262.jpg
Tubs McHam: IMG_1258.jpg
Tubs McHam: IMG_0842.jpg
Tubs McHam: Plant bug
Tubs McHam: Common Froghopper - Philaenus spumarius
Tubs McHam: Rhododendron Leafhopper
Tubs McHam: IMG_3647.jpg
Tubs McHam: Aphid 'mummy' - parasitised aphid (The hairy thing in front of its face is a checky collembola that ran into shot! E. intermedia I believe for those that are interested)
Tubs McHam: Anyone know what this is or whats happening?
Tubs McHam: IMG_0808.jpg
Tubs McHam: IMG_0787.jpg
Tubs McHam: LeafHopper
Tubs McHam: Forest Shieldbug - Pentatoma rufipes
Tubs McHam: DSC01596.jpg
Tubs McHam: DSC01597.jpg
Tubs McHam: Rhododendron Leafhopper
Tubs McHam: Aphid
Tubs McHam: DSC00902.jpg
Tubs McHam: DSC00900.jpg
Tubs McHam: DSC00904.jpg
Tubs McHam: DSC00824.jpg
Tubs McHam: Shield Bug Instar Nymph
Tubs McHam: Shield Bug Instar Nymph
Tubs McHam: Planthopper Nymph with waxy filament tail.
Tubs McHam: Rhabdomiris striatellus late instar nymph
Tubs McHam: Shield Bug Instar Nymph
Tubs McHam: Hawthorn shieldbug (Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale)
Tubs McHam: Hawthorn shieldbug (Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale)