Tubs McHam: Oribatid mite
Tubs McHam: Tiny mite - please view large
Tubs McHam: Spider mite - Bryobia sp.
Tubs McHam: Mite
Tubs McHam: IMG_5275.jpg
Tubs McHam: Mites
Tubs McHam: Cranefly with Mites 3
Tubs McHam: Cranefly with Mites 1
Tubs McHam: Cranefly with Mites
Tubs McHam: Lunch
Tubs McHam: ?? Are they sharing a friend for lunch or is this something a little more intimate?
Tubs McHam: Mite - Anystis sp.
Tubs McHam: Slightly deflated
Tubs McHam: Me sir!
Tubs McHam: Cannibalism?
Tubs McHam: A Mite to Eat
Tubs McHam: A Mite Behind - HBBBT
Tubs McHam: Arachnid buddies!