Tubercule: Playing cards - Ixuxu
Tubercule: English people cooking - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Leo - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Jonna - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Aurelio - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Ixuxu
Tubercule: Garlic peeling contest - Ixuxu #2
Tubercule: Garlic peeling contest - Ixuxu #1
Tubercule: Chestnuts
Tubercule: Alice & Mark farewell party
Tubercule: Dany washing dishes
Tubercule: Learning Chess
Tubercule: Chess board
Tubercule: Taking out the lamb
Tubercule: Before killing the sheep - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Dany - Killing the Sheep - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Killing the sheep - Alfred - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Killing the sheep - Rafael - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Killing the sheep - Jonna & Léo - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Rafael - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Léo - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Me @ Ixuxu
Tubercule: Cooking the sheep - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Chopping the wood - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Falcon - Ixuxu
Tubercule: Gijon
Tubercule: Me @ Gijon
Tubercule: Dany - Gijon
Tubercule: Gijon
Tubercule: Dragobert @ Gijon