ttwice: seconds old
ttwice: checking the baby
ttwice: seconds old
ttwice: The Thompson's Version 3.0, beta
ttwice: Mom and Scout
ttwice: Sleeping beauties
ttwice: The baby boy
ttwice: Scout Thompson
ttwice: Nap time
ttwice: Dad fell asleep
ttwice: First nap at home
ttwice: So comfy
ttwice: That new baby smell
ttwice: Mamma's eyes
ttwice: Aunt Carlee
ttwice: Holding Hands
ttwice: Awake for his first departure
ttwice: Finally asleep
ttwice: Dr. Evil jr.
ttwice: Grandma's shoulder
ttwice: Crying cousins
ttwice: Layed back
ttwice: Why are you dressing me like a girl?
ttwice: Eating some Kennedy
ttwice: Hunting waskaly wabbits
ttwice: Scout's new hat
ttwice: finally
ttwice: Another sleepy moment
ttwice: Crapped out
ttwice: Little Hands