tttallis: Rainbow over Gullfoss
tttallis: Rear of Nick Drake's headstone
tttallis: Flash floods may occur at any time...
tttallis: Electrify
tttallis: Danger
tttallis: My new office
tttallis: Jonssi (from Sigur Rós) and Steindór Andersen
tttallis: O'Reilly Books
tttallis: Gold Maneki Neko talisman
tttallis: Flash floods may occur at any time #2
tttallis: Emma Härdelin from Garmarna
tttallis: Do not buy the tobacco...
tttallis: Phegan's Bay 1/1/2006
tttallis: I can see our house from here...
tttallis: Sydney Harbour from the air
tttallis: The women from Värttinä
tttallis: St Johns church, Glebe
tttallis: Stick Figure in Peril