ttstam: ZMan - working!?!
ttstam: DaveM as "The Piano Man"
ttstam: Me and Erin, 2005
ttstam: Karen and Terence
ttstam: Abi happily playing Wii
ttstam: Me and EeMing
ttstam: Me and EeMing
ttstam: Nels working the HV Power Supplies
ttstam: Mike and Chris in the 3DP4L/SP shop
ttstam: Chris, playing the role of the little dutch boy
ttstam: Abi playing Wii
ttstam: Dave and Ross w/ LN2
ttstam: Me and Pauline
ttstam: Me and Vincent C.
ttstam: EeMing
ttstam: EeMing + Erica
ttstam: Mom and EeMing
ttstam: Erin. With goodies :-)
ttstam: Uncle Anthony
ttstam: Uncle Anthony and Aunt Fausta
ttstam: Mom taxing the family chocolate reserves
ttstam: Mom's family reunion
ttstam: Matthew having fun
ttstam: Theodora and Matthew
ttstam: Theodora
ttstam: Mike and Anya
ttstam: Photogenic Mikey
ttstam: Mike manning the grill
ttstam: Erin
ttstam: Erin, Mom and Stinky Tofu