just ttopix ;o)): Sparrow On The Rooftop2
just ttopix ;o)): Bird on the wing!
just ttopix ;o)): 90 degree Bank angle Re-edit
just ttopix ;o)): Hedge Fund manager-1-2
just ttopix ;o)): Sparrow in the Bird Bath-1
just ttopix ;o)): _SeagullT2A0310-Edit
just ttopix ;o)): _T2A0152 (resized)
just ttopix ;o)): 11-May-21 Magpie Deck Landing
just ttopix ;o)): 27-04-21_Magpie_1661
just ttopix ;o)): Busy day at Sparrow cafe
just ttopix ;o)): Robin Red Breast
just ttopix ;o)): Finally-1
just ttopix ;o)): Immature female House Sparrow
just ttopix ;o)): 2_Sparrows
just ttopix ;o)): a bird in the hand is worth...
just ttopix ;o)): Swans at Greenan shore 2023-02-14-1870