TTF Watershed:
TTF Ed, Julie Slavet greeting guests
TTF Watershed:
Howard Neukrug kicks off the award ceremony with a speech
TTF Watershed:
Friends of High School Park receiving TTF award from Representative Steve McCarter
TTF Watershed:
Rick Howley & Rob Armstrong receiving a Municipal Leader Award
TTF Watershed:
PowercorpsPHL receiving their Municipal Leader Award
TTF Watershed:
Gerry Kaufman speaks about his time at TTF
TTF Watershed:
Hasan Malik receiving his Friend of TTF Award
TTF Watershed:
TTF Staff
TTF Watershed:
Cell Phone Shots
TTF Watershed:
Cell Phone Shots
TTF Watershed:
Cell Phone Shots
TTF Watershed:
Cell Phone Shots
TTF Watershed:
Cell Phone Shots
TTF Watershed:
Cell Phone Shots
TTF Watershed:
Cell Phone Shots
TTF Watershed:
Cell Phone Shots
TTF Watershed:
Cell Phone Shots
TTF Watershed:
Cell Phone Shots
TTF Watershed:
Third Annual Watershed Milestones Award Ceremony & Reception
TTF Watershed:
Third Annual Watershed Milestones Award Ceremony & Reception
TTF Watershed:
Third Annual Watershed Milestones Award Ceremony & Reception
TTF Watershed:
Third Annual Watershed Milestones Award Ceremony & Reception
TTF Watershed:
Third Annual Watershed Milestones Award Ceremony & Reception
TTF Watershed:
Third Annual Watershed Milestones Award Ceremony & Reception