ttcopley: M runs the sand by the river
ttcopley: P1000848
ttcopley: P1000849
ttcopley: P1000850
ttcopley: P1000853
ttcopley: P1000854
ttcopley: P1000855
ttcopley: P1000856
ttcopley: P1000857
ttcopley: P1000858
ttcopley: M with her pain face
ttcopley: P1000862
ttcopley: P1000863
ttcopley: Cookie on her bell lap
ttcopley: No, it's not a lip piercing--it's mud spatter!
ttcopley: M thought the sign was funny as heck
ttcopley: M stripping off layers after the finish
ttcopley: Muddy legs are evidence of a good time
ttcopley: Cookie and M congratulate each other on a hard race
ttcopley: Not one, but TWO doughnuts!
ttcopley: A well-earned treat
ttcopley: That's my girl
ttcopley: M full of cyclocross and doughnuts