ttcopley: Mr. Ben Jackson
ttcopley: DSCF7533.JPG
ttcopley: Axel & Anselmo
ttcopley: Brian Postlethwaite
ttcopley: Parbo with Plaxton on his wheel
ttcopley: Jason passing another rider
ttcopley: Shark Boy
ttcopley: DSCF7560.JPG
ttcopley: DSCF7562.JPG
ttcopley: Run, Jason, run!
ttcopley: B race podium
ttcopley: Illustration: two approaches to traversing sand
ttcopley: Parbo checks in on Plaxton
ttcopley: Parbo runs the second sand section
ttcopley: Parbo runs the single track obstacle
ttcopley: Plaxton at high speed and low light
ttcopley: Bunny hop gone wrong
ttcopley: Parbo running the single track obstacle
ttcopley: Plaxton takes it over Parbo
ttcopley: John Starcevic doubling on the BMX section