ttcopley: Procrastinators adopt a highway
ttcopley: Zucaritas!!
ttcopley: WTF?!?
ttcopley: secondhand parking
ttcopley: AIDS sign posted by morons
ttcopley: Dinosaur Crossing in Virginia
ttcopley: Street chalk art, typical Drive style
ttcopley: BC Ferries in a nutshell
ttcopley: No birds
ttcopley: Full-service mechanics!
ttcopley: Yep, we're in the States alright...
ttcopley: Whoa, that's a pretty edgy sign for the States...
ttcopley: "Mega Jumbo" quantified
ttcopley: And you know, it *is* so wonderful candy!
ttcopley: Oh! Super Candy
ttcopley: Must be the neighbourhood
ttcopley: Back side of the Don Lonie album cover
ttcopley: Clearly, this is a man teenagers will identify with and listen to
ttcopley: Omar Sharif cigarettes
ttcopley: "Omar Sharif" cigarettes: Toe-curlingly embarrassing endorsement
ttcopley: Omar Sharif cigarettes
ttcopley: Omar Sharif cigarettes
ttcopley: Missing The Point Department
ttcopley: Declassified phrase book
ttcopley: 1960s family
ttcopley: Magic
ttcopley: Here's proof!
ttcopley: Eagle campy cow
ttcopley: 1950s fruit cream pie
ttcopley: Here's a cake, kids!