ttcopley: DSCF1894.JPG
ttcopley: DSCF1895.JPG
ttcopley: Before the race: The Fear
ttcopley: DSCF1899.JPG
ttcopley: Stanley Park Kids' Crit: M loses traction on both wheels...
ttcopley: DSCF1902.JPG
ttcopley: Put your eyes where you want to go...
ttcopley: DSCF1904b.JPG
ttcopley: Crossing the line!
ttcopley: Give me a minute to recover here, Dad...
ttcopley: Putting on his race face
ttcopley: DSCF1911.JPG
ttcopley: DSCF1914.JPG
ttcopley: DSCF1915.JPG
ttcopley: DSCF1917.JPG
ttcopley: Ugh! *Just* crossed the finish line.
ttcopley: R immediately after the finish