ttcopley: DSCF1687.JPG
ttcopley: DSCF1692.JPG
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ttcopley: DSCF1701.JPG
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ttcopley: DSCF1711.JPG
ttcopley: DSCF1713.JPG
ttcopley: On BC Ferries heading to Victoria
ttcopley: On BC Ferries heading to Victoria
ttcopley: Hanging out before the races
ttcopley: Hanging out before the races
ttcopley: DSCF1726.JPG
ttcopley: DSCF1727.JPG
ttcopley: Waiting to get called to the line
ttcopley: DSCF1729.JPG
ttcopley: The start of the Bastion Square kids race
ttcopley: The start of the Bastion Square kids race
ttcopley: The start of the Bastion Square kids race
ttcopley: The start of the Bastion Square kids race
ttcopley: At the start line
ttcopley: R ready to go
ttcopley: Mandy & M finishing
ttcopley: M hammers it home
ttcopley: R goes for it at the finish
ttcopley: Out of breath and happy