tsubibo: the junction
tsubibo: picture taking
tsubibo: beach!
tsubibo: blue blue sea
tsubibo: the seagulls
tsubibo: westfield bondi junction
tsubibo: bondi beach
tsubibo: bondi beach
tsubibo: sun setting
tsubibo: what is real?
tsubibo: walking art
tsubibo: art stand still
tsubibo: man and his dog
tsubibo: bronte beach
tsubibo: stripes
tsubibo: water hour glass
tsubibo: sun bathing
tsubibo: really sun bathing
tsubibo: merperson
tsubibo: leather dogs
tsubibo: bondi beach
tsubibo: fuchsia
tsubibo: train track
tsubibo: blocks
tsubibo: bondi beach
tsubibo: framed
tsubibo: big john's pizza
tsubibo: Christmas dinner
tsubibo: Christmas day
tsubibo: after Christmas service