tsubibo: super early cebupac flight
tsubibo: ted's then off to guimaras
tsubibo: guimaras mangoes
tsubibo: rocky beach front
tsubibo: group shot
tsubibo: after lunch, before afternoon nap
tsubibo: sunset by the cliff
tsubibo: island hop!
tsubibo: after snorkling
tsubibo: water dynamics
tsubibo: fishery
tsubibo: sharing a pond
tsubibo: beware of big momma fishes
tsubibo: korean island
tsubibo: iloilo tricycle
tsubibo: mang inasal
tsubibo: late morning trek
tsubibo: little boy blue
tsubibo: seventh falls
tsubibo: mambukal
tsubibo: slide for life
tsubibo: with ahia romy
tsubibo: tatoy's
tsubibo: bavaria
tsubibo: dcbc in iloilo
tsubibo: take away
tsubibo: jumping boardwalk