tsubibo: to donsol and the butandings!
tsubibo: daraga
tsubibo: the better view
tsubibo: more than fresh air
tsubibo: of rice and men
tsubibo: off to san miguel island
tsubibo: yellow orange
tsubibo: san miguel island
tsubibo: blue green
tsubibo: aimee's first
tsubibo: rosemarie's
tsubibo: c is for cindy
tsubibo: silip
tsubibo: doldrums
tsubibo: becalmed
tsubibo: diwanon island
tsubibo: too many too fast
tsubibo: lunch nook
tsubibo: next stop: waterfalls
tsubibo: the waterfalls
tsubibo: earth 15-minutes
tsubibo: smoky!
tsubibo: lem didn't help
tsubibo: picture taken time
tsubibo: uh-oh
tsubibo: drip!
tsubibo: shy sun
tsubibo: good evening to us
tsubibo: butanding festival
tsubibo: an official pic with kuya lulu