tsubibo: lem, the driver
tsubibo: beach chairs
tsubibo: pre-ceremony photoshoot
tsubibo: tibo + kenken
tsubibo: tagal ni aimee!
tsubibo: with ma'am marisse
tsubibo: getting ready
tsubibo: bearers
tsubibo: about to start
tsubibo: march march
tsubibo: here comes the bride
tsubibo: vows
tsubibo: pink flowers
tsubibo: astra: all dressed up
tsubibo: mabuhay ang bagong kasal!
tsubibo: dinner by the shore
tsubibo: love dance
tsubibo: goodnight tree
tsubibo: breakfast!
tsubibo: photoshoot na!
tsubibo: just outside the villa
tsubibo: lunch after goli
tsubibo: lunch before go go
tsubibo: so we'd remember the resort name
tsubibo: beach chairs + people
tsubibo: one for the road