tsubibo: good enough spot
tsubibo: the waiting gets into some
tsubibo: nobody beats good company
tsubibo: rushing to find a good spot
tsubibo: come in pairs
tsubibo: bookworm
tsubibo: family affair
tsubibo: father and daughter
tsubibo: mother and daughter
tsubibo: waiting can be fun
tsubibo: cooler
tsubibo: the venue at 5pm - c area
tsubibo: bird vs jet
tsubibo: yeah, the remote control works
tsubibo: dimming of the lights
tsubibo: the tripod
tsubibo: look up
tsubibo: then some say "waaaaa!"
tsubibo: bursting green
tsubibo: flower in the sky
tsubibo: stardust
tsubibo: colored sky
tsubibo: pink flower power
tsubibo: and the people say "wooo!"
tsubibo: Bright Summer Night
tsubibo: i see gold
tsubibo: Hanabi - literally, flower fire
tsubibo: painting the town red
tsubibo: reservation
tsubibo: pump it up