tsoilanc1: 小鴨子Duckling
tsoilanc1: 雙鴨Two Ducks
tsoilanc1: 嬉水
tsoilanc1: 福祿鴛鴦Lotus and Mandarin Ducks
tsoilanc1: 相倚秋江Angel Couple
tsoilanc1: 鷺 鷥Egret
tsoilanc1: 群鷺 Egrets
tsoilanc1: 鶴伴Cranes Couple
tsoilanc1: 自得其樂Happy Ducks
tsoilanc1: 相依 Swan Love
tsoilanc1: 春江水暖 Warm Water in Spring
tsoilanc1: 悠然自得 Restfulness
tsoilanc1: 逸趣 Pair of Water-rail
tsoilanc1: 海天飛鷗 Seagulls in Flight
tsoilanc1: 柳蔭鴛鴦 Mandarin Ducks under Willow Tree
tsoilanc1: 相倚秋江 floating along