DSTS: 221210-Bogyoke Aung San Museum-Final Residence of the Founder of Modern Myanmar
DSTS: 221210-Bogyoke Aung San Museum-Colonial-era Villa, Built in 1921
DSTS: 221210-Bogyoke Aung San Museum-Resided in this House from 1945-1947
DSTS: 221210-Bogyoke Aung San Museum-Living Room
DSTS: 221210-Bogyoke Aung San Museum-Woven Painting
DSTS: 221210-Bogyoke Aung San Museum-2nd Floor Staircase
DSTS: 221210-St. Mary's Cathedral-North Bell Tower
DSTS: 221210-St. Mary's Cathedral-Consecrated 1899
DSTS: 221210-St. Mary's Cathedral-500th Jubilee Year of Catholic Presence in Myanmar
DSTS: 221210-St. Mary's Cathedral-Nave2
DSTS: 221210-St. Mary's Cathedral-Altar
DSTS: 221210-St. Mary's Cathedral-Nave1
DSTS: 221210-St. Mary's Cathedral
DSTS: 221210-St. Mary's Cathedral-North Transept
DSTS: 221210-St. Mary's Cathedral-South Transept
DSTS: 221210-St. Mary's Cathedral-Gothic Revival Brick Facade
DSTS: 221210-The Secretariat-Completed in 1902
DSTS: 221210-The Secretariat-Victorian Style Construction
DSTS: 221210-The Secretariat-The Original Steel was Shipped from Glasgow, Scotland
DSTS: 221210-The Secretariat-Constructed with Red & Yellow Bricks
DSTS: 221210-The Secretariat-One of Four Towers
DSTS: 221210-The Secretariat-Former National Flag of the Union of Burma
DSTS: 221210-The Secretariat-National Flag of British Burma
DSTS: 221210-The Secretariat-Double spiral Staircase of the Ministers' Building1
DSTS: 221210-The Secretariat-Double Spiral Staircase of the Ministers' Building2
DSTS: 221210-The Secretariat-Double Spiral Staircase of the Ministers' Building-Queen Victoria
DSTS: 221210-The Secretariat-Clock Mechanism
DSTS: 221210-The Secretariat-Built by the British
DSTS: 221210-The Secretariat-General Aung San, the Father of Modern Myanmar, was Assasinated here
DSTS: Yangon-Shwedagon Pagoda-Four Entrances guarded by Giant Leogryphs (Lion)