tskirvin: Rob and the Beer
tskirvin: Clearing the Umbrella
tskirvin: Yi's Shiny Shoes
tskirvin: Kitchen Preparations
tskirvin: Flowers
tskirvin: Marcos
tskirvin: Buffet
tskirvin: Klaus and the Buffet
tskirvin: The Fish
tskirvin: Milling Continues
tskirvin: Felix Arrives
tskirvin: Jim and Becky
tskirvin: Brijeet
tskirvin: Dinner
tskirvin: Dinner Selection
tskirvin: Miriam
tskirvin: Dinner Mingling
tskirvin: Developer's Roundtable
tskirvin: Preparing for Dessert
tskirvin: Julio's Shadow
tskirvin: Desserts
tskirvin: Desserts, II
tskirvin: Flan
tskirvin: Baklava is Devoured
tskirvin: Gathering Around the Table
tskirvin: Mu and Child
tskirvin: Mu and Child, II
tskirvin: Taunting Alice
tskirvin: Continued Fawning
tskirvin: Fawning From A Distance