Tiago Serra: Tim O'Reilly keynote
Tiago Serra: Tim O'Reilly keynote
Tiago Serra: Tim O'Reilly keynote
Tiago Serra: A Conversation with Ari Virtanen, Nokia
Tiago Serra: Leveling the Playing Field - Werner Voegels, Amazon
Tiago Serra: Tariq Krim, Netvibes
Tiago Serra: The Starfish and the Spider, Rod Beckstrom
Tiago Serra: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint, Tom Raftery
Tiago Serra: Future of Firefox, Tristan Nitot
Tiago Serra: Creating Passionate Users, Kathy Sierra
Tiago Serra: What is Web 2.0: The Rules for Creating Successful Online Products in the 21st Century, Dion Hinchcliffe - Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Hinchcliffe & Company
Tiago Serra: Designing Tag Navigation, James Kalbach, Human Factors Engineer, LexisNexis
Tiago Serra: OpenID: Emerging from Web 2.0, David Recordon - Six Apart & Martin Paljak, Technology Evangelist - Ideelabor
Tiago Serra: Opening the Social Graph, David Recordon - Six Apart
Tiago Serra: Opening the Social Graph, David Recordon - Six Apart
Tiago Serra: We Build Our Tools And The Shape Us: How Lifestreaming Is Shaping Web Culture - Stowe Boyd
Tiago Serra: Europe's Copyright Wars - Do We Have to Repeat the American Mistake? - Cory Doctorow, Craphound
Tiago Serra: Europe's Copyright Wars - Do We Have to Repeat the American Mistake? - Cory Doctorow, Craphound
Tiago Serra: Use Somebody Else's Infrastructure: Building a Webapp on EC2, S3 and Other Tools from AWS - Jonathan Weiss, Technical Director, Peritor Wissensmanagement GmbH & Zvi Schreiber, CEO, G.ho.st
Tiago Serra: Coding on the Shoulders of Giants, Matt Biddulph - CTO, Dopplr
Tiago Serra: Coding on the Shoulders of Giants, Matt Biddulph - CTO, Dopplr
Tiago Serra: Location and Mapping, Nick Black & Steve Coast - Open Street Map Project
Tiago Serra: Location and Mapping, Nick Black & Steve Coast - Open Street Map Project
Tiago Serra: People & Data: How the Gathering, Using & Selling of Data is Changing, Andreas Weigend, Principal - people and data & Jonathan Laventhol, Technology Director - Imagination
Tiago Serra: OpenSocial, a standard programming model for the Social Web, Patrick Chanezon, Developer Advocate - Google
Tiago Serra: OpenSocial, a standard programming model for the Social Web, Patrick Chanezon, Developer Advocate - Google
Tiago Serra: OpenSocial, a standard programming model for the Social Web, Patrick Chanezon, Developer Advocate - Google
Tiago Serra: Agile Development, Agile Design: Avoiding Pitfalls in an Iterative Model - Leisa Reichelt, Disambiguity.com