Tschissl: The best I could do
Tschissl: Neotinea hybride
Tschissl: The other parent
Tschissl: my first orchids for 2017
Tschissl: the sharper lens
Tschissl: always a joy
Tschissl: in their initial stage
Tschissl: classical - without soap bubbles!
Tschissl: lush alpine meadow
Tschissl: one of my favourites
Tschissl: far too dry this season
Tschissl: they are back
Tschissl: the unexpected
Tschissl: a new site
Tschissl: I was happy to see them again
Tschissl: a beautiful group
Tschissl: just a couple of them this time
Tschissl: a discovery of a real beauty
Tschissl: one of my favourite orchids
Tschissl: still there
Tschissl: Happy family at sunset
Tschissl: early monrning lady
Tschissl: a lovely couple
Tschissl: a wonderful specimen
Tschissl: a real beaty