Tschissl: alien like for Luca_G (albiati)
Tschissl: they are fast
Tschissl: They just love it
Tschissl: what a chance
Tschissl: something for experts
Tschissl: morning rest
Tschissl: they love it
Tschissl: a real treat
Tschissl: good stuff
Tschissl: bright and colourful
Tschissl: camouflage not possible
Tschissl: in-fighting
Tschissl: high speed1
Tschissl: high speed2
Tschissl: Echinacea purpurea - sharing
Tschissl: Echinacea purpurea - detail
Tschissl: Echinacea purpurea - looking down
Tschissl: Echinacea purpurea - ready for take off
Tschissl: a little rest downtown
Tschissl: all in green
Tschissl: iridescent
Tschissl: Widderchen
Tschissl: Blattkäfer auf seinem Thron
Tschissl: Epipactis with unidentified insect
Tschissl: Polyommatus coridon
Tschissl: Aglais urticae
Tschissl: Argynnis paphia
Tschissl: Melanargia galathea
Tschissl: matching colours
Tschissl: Corfou