Tschissl: Corfou
Tschissl: Melanargia galathea
Tschissl: having a rest
Tschissl: Argynnis paphia
Tschissl: funny looking
Tschissl: matching colours
Tschissl: Polyommatus coridon
Tschissl: Aglais urticae
Tschissl: Epipactis with unidentified insect
Tschissl: Echinacea purpurea - sharing
Tschissl: Echinacea purpurea - detail
Tschissl: Echinacea purpurea - ready for take off
Tschissl: bright and colourful
Tschissl: They just love it
Tschissl: they are fast
Tschissl: Archive 2013 - not displayed yet
Tschissl: up side down
Tschissl: which one? - now identified
Tschissl: shining through
Tschissl: on a dry grassland
Tschissl: amazing colours
Tschissl: a nice combination
Tschissl: Clouded Apollo
Tschissl: holding tight
Tschissl: are they late?