tsalt: P1070410
tsalt: P1070411
tsalt: P1070412
tsalt: the peas, they sprout
tsalt: cayenne keeps the critters away
tsalt: peas are sprouting
tsalt: chives = outta control
tsalt: peas grow like weeds
tsalt: tendrils are amazing
tsalt: grabby pea tendrils
tsalt: P1070458
tsalt: P1070459
tsalt: grabby
tsalt: grabby
tsalt: first tomato
tsalt: P1070534
tsalt: P1070535
tsalt: first sugar snap pea
tsalt: think this is a shelling pea
tsalt: tiny blurry tomato
tsalt: snap peas
tsalt: cilantro is bolting
tsalt: pepper
tsalt: new oregano and thyme, old sage
tsalt: pea scene
tsalt: basil2
tsalt: patio tomato June 18
tsalt: It was green in the morning
tsalt: First tomato!
tsalt: bean plant maybe