truvy57 (Dorothy): Beadaholic, by Gerry Benton
truvy57 (Dorothy): Time Flies When You're Having Fun, Nancy Riegel
truvy57 (Dorothy): Nested Boxes, by Kathy Hudak
truvy57 (Dorothy): Shiva Dance, by Pamela Kavelman
truvy57 (Dorothy): Friends, by Julie Lesko
truvy57 (Dorothy): The Big Bang, by Fannie White
truvy57 (Dorothy): Mariposa Beauty, by Barbara Hanna
truvy57 (Dorothy): Venice, by Linda Krause
truvy57 (Dorothy): Heart Explosion by Ann McCartan
truvy57 (Dorothy): Earth, Sea & Sky by Mary Louise Arnold
truvy57 (Dorothy): Close-up of Earth, Sea and Sky
truvy57 (Dorothy): A Time of Innocence, Diane Fox
truvy57 (Dorothy): BEST IN SHOW winner - Thistle Pods by Diane Wadding
truvy57 (Dorothy): Close-up of the BEST IN SHOW winner - Thistle Pods by Diane Wadding
truvy57 (Dorothy): Twilight, Diane Quinn
truvy57 (Dorothy): Me and Mary Beth
truvy57 (Dorothy): Jennifer's Gem, Jennifer Gabriel
truvy57 (Dorothy): The Blue Sky of Arizona, by Kathy Antoniazzi
truvy57 (Dorothy): Pennsylvania Bounty, Nancy Twardowski
truvy57 (Dorothy): The Colors Called My Name, Betty Jane Szydlowski
truvy57 (Dorothy): Oriental Magic, Kay Ihnat
truvy57 (Dorothy): Challenge Quilt Entry for Kay Ihnat
truvy57 (Dorothy): Diamond Jubilee, My Nemesis, by Ruth Ann Lowery
truvy57 (Dorothy): Peripatetic Album, Janet Sutton
truvy57 (Dorothy): Baltimore Bunnies, Norma Wynn
truvy57 (Dorothy): Rosebud Lane, Ruth Stitt
truvy57 (Dorothy): One-Patch Stars by Kathy Hudak
truvy57 (Dorothy): Hexed and Perplexed by Ruth Ann Lowery
truvy57 (Dorothy): Heron-autics, a Bird Story by Georgia Moncado
truvy57 (Dorothy): Close up of Heron-autics