truvy57 (Dorothy):
Mike Yohe addresses the crowd
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All of the police members and counselors from Moundbuilders who attended
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Bruce got us off to a rockin' start by swearing and yelling with no one else even there with him
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Officer talks to mentally disturbed Bruce
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Bruce crying that the voices are driving him crazy
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Bruce points at where the voices come into his apartment
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Tin foil on his head keeps the voices at bay
truvy57 (Dorothy):
"Debbie" greets the arriving officers
truvy57 (Dorothy):
"Debbie" thinks Hollywood is awaiting her to be a star!
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First set of officers with Amy (who played Debbie)
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Amy gestures with the officers
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Mike awaits the police's arrival
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I played the bitchy ex-wife who called the authorities because he threatened suicide
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Mike's sister arrives to help
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The "Mike" scene, the alcoholic guy who threatened suicide
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"Chuck and Diane"
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Arguing in front of the officers
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Scene for "Chuck and Diane"
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truvy57 (Dorothy):
Officers arrive to find me lookin for "Winston" my cat
truvy57 (Dorothy):
The officers helped me to stand up
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Me, drifting off, worrying about my "missing kitties"
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Rick played the concerned neighbor
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Me with the officers
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Me, as Florence, saying I needed my nap
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Paula and the officer
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The officer checks Paula's purse
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Andre and the officer
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truvy57 (Dorothy):
Dianna did such a great job