truvy57 (Dorothy): Stars at Sea by Tucson Quilters Guild
truvy57 (Dorothy): Special Exhibit: The Everchanging River Exhibit
truvy57 (Dorothy): Mini Feathers by Mildred Sorrells
truvy57 (Dorothy): Color Fields by Gloria Hansen
truvy57 (Dorothy): Matrix: Color Synergy by Karen Fisher
truvy57 (Dorothy): Hanging by a Thread by members of Hanging by a Thread
truvy57 (Dorothy): Wildflowers by Ingrid Fullard
truvy57 (Dorothy): Big Bang by Nancy Messier
truvy57 (Dorothy): Servant of the People by Susan Hoffmeier and Sandra Thompson
truvy57 (Dorothy): Peace Makers by Janet McTavish
truvy57 (Dorothy): Dragon's Breath by Claudia Clark Myers
truvy57 (Dorothy): My son, my Hero by Kathie Davis
truvy57 (Dorothy): Asleep Beneath the Oaks by Amy Ciric
truvy57 (Dorothy): My Delirious Moments by Sharyl Weinberg
truvy57 (Dorothy): Sweet Dreams by Jill Maiher
truvy57 (Dorothy): Saffron Spring by Barbara Lies
truvy57 (Dorothy): The Duchess by Leah Day
truvy57 (Dorothy): Arabesque by Laurie Weiner
truvy57 (Dorothy): Hidden Tree by Karen Spencer
truvy57 (Dorothy): Bijagos Warrior by Sarah Ann Smith
truvy57 (Dorothy): The First Twenty Five by Cleo Berry Ward
truvy57 (Dorothy): Mardi Gras by Patricia Kirko
truvy57 (Dorothy): And So it Goes by Jeanne Pfister
truvy57 (Dorothy): Lipstick Sunset by Betty New
truvy57 (Dorothy): 256 Blocks from 8 Triangles by Susan Ziel
truvy57 (Dorothy): Starry Night by Sharon Vitt (who's from Gahanna OH!)
truvy57 (Dorothy): Endless Scraps II by Sue Seas
truvy57 (Dorothy): It's Only Rock 'n Roll by Pauline Salzman
truvy57 (Dorothy): Portrait of an Artist by Pauline Salzman
truvy57 (Dorothy): Moving in close for a look-see