truvy57 (Dorothy):
Carousel by Linda Brougher Shaffer
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Self Portrait (Hair) by Jo Rice
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Tree by Ellen Harbourt
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Snow Crystals by Ellen Harbourt
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Gaffney SC by Andrea Stern
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Sky Cathedral by Linda Brougher Shaffer
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Trees by Jo Rice
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Words are Like Shields by Gerry Fogarty
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Nancy Crow quilt in person!
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Fall Rain/Rain Fall
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Another Gayle Pritchard quilt (I think)
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Notations of a Leaf by Clare Murray Adams - closeup
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Notations of a Leaf by Clare Murray Adams
truvy57 (Dorothy):
Nancy Crow quilt in person!!!