truvy57 (Dorothy): After the Swing Shot landed
truvy57 (Dorothy): We all watched
truvy57 (Dorothy): No going back now
truvy57 (Dorothy): Waiting for launch
truvy57 (Dorothy): They have NO idea what they're in for
truvy57 (Dorothy): Hands on hips
truvy57 (Dorothy): Oooh! Oooh! We have to do a line up picture!
truvy57 (Dorothy): In line for the Swing Shot
truvy57 (Dorothy): Me and the Newlyweds
truvy57 (Dorothy): Chilly day at Kennywood
truvy57 (Dorothy): Jessica, TJ & Laura
truvy57 (Dorothy): The Newlyweds
truvy57 (Dorothy): Uncle Duke & Laura
truvy57 (Dorothy): Serious Hat Wearers
truvy57 (Dorothy): I'll dry off in the sun
truvy57 (Dorothy): Down the Pittsburgh Plunge
truvy57 (Dorothy): Smiles all day