SassyPhotographer: Picture 2
SassyPhotographer: The writing's on the
SassyPhotographer: the swoosh's leg
SassyPhotographer: white carrots?
SassyPhotographer: is my hair darker?
SassyPhotographer: facemask
SassyPhotographer: Van Woustraat
SassyPhotographer: Zwarte Piet in Store Window
SassyPhotographer: the beginning of kalverstraat
SassyPhotographer: The ear of someone who should not be going to the opennings of Apple stores
SassyPhotographer: chocolate santas @ hema
SassyPhotographer: from the top floor of that british bookstore
SassyPhotographer: lots and lots of snow, and me running around in a little skirt :) it wasn't that bad, actually
SassyPhotographer: dsc00941
SassyPhotographer: These are the two books that are driving me MAD!
SassyPhotographer: i think this is my favorite photo... not sure, but anyhow, it's up there.
SassyPhotographer: A pretty store window
SassyPhotographer: Pretty snow, isn't it?
SassyPhotographer: Ms. Heavenly Wifi
SassyPhotographer: the bad wingwoman
SassyPhotographer: Yipee! Ice! I get to skate on my way to Starbucks!