truthaboutit: Introductions
truthaboutit: Pre-Match Hype
truthaboutit: Turn Spill
truthaboutit: Jamming
truthaboutit: Lois Slain Down
truthaboutit: Recovery
truthaboutit: Stop the Jammer
truthaboutit: The Squeeze
truthaboutit: The 2nd Turn
truthaboutit: Going for the hit
truthaboutit: Blur By
truthaboutit: Jammer Blur
truthaboutit: Roller Scrum
truthaboutit: Knockin'
truthaboutit: Position
truthaboutit: Ready to Pounce
truthaboutit: Bracing
truthaboutit: Falling Down
truthaboutit: Jammer Target
truthaboutit: Passion
truthaboutit: Buffalo Team
truthaboutit: Buffalo Team 2
truthaboutit: Armory Shot
truthaboutit: Making a point.
truthaboutit: Armory Shot 2
truthaboutit: Turning.
truthaboutit: Bracing.