Truth in science:
Diagram- Evolutionist’s multi-million year timescale refuted by experimental and field evidence
Truth in science:
Evolution timescale debunked by field & experimental evidence
Truth in science:
Evolution multi-million year timescale debunked by field & experimental evidence
Truth in science:
Evolution timescale refuted by field & experimental evidence
Truth in science:
Evolution multi-million year timescale debunked by field & experimental evidence
Truth in science:
Evolution timescale debunked by field & experimental evidence
Truth in science:
Evolution timescale debunked by field & experimental evidence
Truth in science:
Evolution - multi-million year timescale debunked.
Truth in science:
Rapid strata formation in soft sand
Truth in science:
Evolution - the assumed, multi million year timescale refuted by science
Truth in science:
Evolution timescale debunked by stunning field evidence
Truth in science:
Evolution - multi-million year timescale assumptions debunked by science.
Truth in science:
Evolution - multi-million year timescale debunked by field and experimental evidence
Truth in science:
Evolution - multi-million year timescale debunked by field evidence.
Truth in science:
Evolution timescale debunked by field & experimental evidence
Truth in science:
Evolution timescale refuted by scientific evidence
Truth in science:
Rapid strata formation - distance photo 1
Truth in science:
Rapid strata formation in soft sand - distance photo 2
Truth in science:
Rapid strata formation in soft sand - distance photo 3
Truth in science:
Rapid strata formation in soft sand - close-up photo 1
Truth in science:
Rapid strata formation in soft sand - close-up photo 3
Truth in science:
Rapid strata formation in soft sand - close-up photo 4 This demonstrates that multiple strata in sedimentary deposits do not need millions of years to form and can be formed rapidly.
Truth in science:
Rapid strata formation in soft sand - close-up photo 2
Truth in science:
Rapid strata formation in soft sand - close-up photo 5
Truth in science:
Rapid strata formation in soft sand (field evidence).
Truth in science:
Stratified soft sand deposit - Rapid stratification, field evidence.
Truth in science:
Stratified soft sand deposit - Rapid stratification, field evidence.
Truth in science:
Stratified, soft sand deposit. Rapid stratification in soft sand.
Truth in science:
Stratified soft sand deposit - Rapid stratification, field evidence.
Truth in science:
Stratified soft sand deposit - Rapid stratification, field evidence.