trustyone: 20110409 panorama vertical beaver dam pond reflections
trustyone: 20110409 campsis orange flower
trustyone: 20110409 yukon shaking beaver dam swamp
trustyone: 20110409 yukon cooling off after chasing wildlife
trustyone: 20110409 saprophytes
trustyone: 20110409 zephyranthes grandiflora white shadow
trustyone: 20110409 zephyranthes flowers
trustyone: 20110409 podophyllum peltatum population
trustyone: 20110409 yellow flower swamp
trustyone: 20110409 aesculus red flowers
trustyone: 20110409 tree canopy
trustyone: 20110409 beaver dam swamp iris patch
trustyone: 20110409 beaver dam iris flower buds coloring
trustyone: 20110409 becki atop sawdust hill
trustyone: 20110409 becki with two dogs base of sawdust
trustyone: 20110409 hawk soaring above
trustyone: 20110409 beaver dam reflections taxodium