svacher: wheeee
svacher: i like this guy :D
svacher: quentin's sandwich
svacher: i ordered a mousse with truffle and ganache!
svacher: o, brioche!
svacher: my chai tastes like ikea
svacher: me drawing a mouse :D
svacher: the band
svacher: the band
svacher: block partyyyy
svacher: hula hooping
svacher: block party!
svacher: amanda's iced coffee
svacher: summerrrrrrrr
svacher: main st.
svacher: i go home
svacher: and it's delicious
svacher: and we get gelato
svacher: we go to poco
svacher: amanda!
svacher: wine and cheese
svacher: quentin waiting
svacher: flowers from my parents :]
svacher: the woodwards building
svacher: what do you see, melsa
svacher: uranus
svacher: no exit
svacher: melsa, tired
svacher: the deaf of love
svacher: skytrain