britl: Crowd gathers while watching Circus Orange
britl: Red patterns in the night sky
britl: Red fireworks
britl: A red glow
britl: Sparkles in the night sky
britl: Crowd watches Circus Orange
britl: Circus Orange
britl: What nightmares are made of
britl: Cycle getting stuck during the act
britl: Frightening monsters
britl: Wheeling through the crowd
britl: Edmontonians enlisted to help tug the machine
britl: Steering the giant machine
britl: Blurry shot of Ali and I
britl: Circus Orange
britl: Circus Orange in front of City Hall
britl: Pyrotechnics in front of City Hall
britl: The wheel lifts into the sky
britl: Lighting up the wheel
britl: Person suspended over the square
britl: Fireworks in front of City Hall
britl: Illuminated building
britl: Time to warm up
britl: Stragglers huddle around the fire
britl: Fire to huddle around
britl: Ali in front of a lit City Hall
britl: Ali tries to take a photo of me
britl: Winter Light Lantern
britl: Stars, carefully hung