britl: Cat in the bag
britl: Cat loves the bag
britl: Cat in the bag
britl: My bananagrams tiles
britl: Bananagrams
britl: Cuba, the board game
britl: My Cuba plantation
britl: My little man
britl: Dice balancing skills
britl: Work icicles in the early morning
britl: The Department of Bridges
britl: Before everyone arrived!
britl: Carol McBee, organizer of Twitter Talks
britl: Shauna with her Galaxy Tab
britl: Karen Unland in her lovely news jacket
britl: Tanis Miller speaks
britl: Chelsey Smith and her question
britl: Mack answering a question
britl: Jen Banks
britl: The crowd
britl: Tamara at the podium
britl: Adam checks his phone at Twitter Talks
britl: Shopping carts take the elevator
britl: Jasper Avenue
britl: Pecha Kucha 9 Tickets
britl: Pecha Kucha 9 Tickets
britl: Elm Cafe
britl: Nathan from Elm Cafe
britl: Prairie Mill Bread Company