britl: Crystal lights
britl: Lights
britl: the weird carpeting
britl: Albert and Sean researching SMS technology
britl: Zohreh at work
britl: Ladies working during the mixer
britl: kasia and i use
britl: Allie and Duncan sign in
britl: Allie and Duncan
britl: Allie's awesome superpower
britl: Jeff's nametag
britl: Mixer friends!
britl: Mixer
britl: The evening crew
britl: The post-mixer debriefing
britl: Shauna giving a 'state of the hackathon'
britl: Albert and Laura want a Zombie App!
britl: Ali works hard proofreading
britl: Adriel works on a press release
britl: Heading into the late night, the crew stays strong
britl: Ali2 smiles, even though it's crazy early
britl: Shauna hides
britl: Morning looms and Allie still looks relaxed
britl: Ashley joins us for a morning hack
britl: Very important fruit
britl: Joanna doesn't realize the threat which is menacing Allie
britl: Kasia is upbeat even after hours of hackathon-ing
britl: Kasia's secret weapon
britl: Look ma, I'm on the livestream!
britl: Marilyn returns to help out