True British Metal: Empty space
True British Metal: Main part of factory
True British Metal: Factory lines
True British Metal: Motorsport posters
True British Metal: Car and nature posters
True British Metal: Epic Rally/TOCA posters
True British Metal: UID Machine
True British Metal: Clockcard machine
True British Metal: Stripped computer
True British Metal: Empty space
True British Metal: Factory area from side on
True British Metal: Reception and offices
True British Metal: Outbuilding
True British Metal: Factory end exterior
True British Metal: Water Pump House
True British Metal: Pump House system
True British Metal: TRW Factory, Aylesbury
True British Metal: The fence of TRW
True British Metal: Factory space
True British Metal: Factory space
True British Metal: Factory office
True British Metal: Office notices
True British Metal: Cup of tea?