True British Metal: Typical room for a patient
True British Metal: Nurse Call/Alarm system for patients
True British Metal: Patient name and number
True British Metal: A touching note and a prayer from former patient
True British Metal: Bath support
True British Metal: Washing machines
True British Metal: Corridor shot
True British Metal: Another lovely day room!
True British Metal: Magazine cut outs
True British Metal: Patient's photo left behind
True British Metal: First aid details
True British Metal: Mop and cloth colour coding
True British Metal: Disabled bath
True British Metal: Important notice RE a patient
True British Metal: Spooky curtain shot
True British Metal: Patient's Christmas card and photo left behind
True British Metal: Patient drawing
True British Metal: Patient photo left behind
True British Metal: Great Scallop
True British Metal: Chambered Nautilus
True British Metal: Upstairs food storeroom
True British Metal: Upstairs food and maintenance cupboards
True British Metal: Look at that. All going to fucking landfill.
True British Metal: French impressionists and Animals (books)
True British Metal: Animals Magazine from 1965!