trucolorsfly: milkweed
trucolorsfly: afternoon sun
trucolorsfly: up the hill
trucolorsfly: vacancy
trucolorsfly: up the mountain
trucolorsfly: happy coop
trucolorsfly: blue hill mountain road
trucolorsfly: reflection
trucolorsfly: in among the cattails
trucolorsfly: cattails
trucolorsfly: at reversing falls
trucolorsfly: shooting
trucolorsfly: Osprey
trucolorsfly: bridge at reversing falls
trucolorsfly: tidepool at reversing falls
trucolorsfly: at reversing falls
trucolorsfly: at reversing falls
trucolorsfly: at reversing falls
trucolorsfly: at reversing falls
trucolorsfly: tide going out
trucolorsfly: reversing falls
trucolorsfly: reflection
trucolorsfly: reflection