trucolorsfly: sunset
trucolorsfly: chargin
trucolorsfly: clearish skies over FL
trucolorsfly: i <3 u...
trucolorsfly: signs signs everywhere are signs...
trucolorsfly: palms & cyclist while waiting 4 the next bus
trucolorsfly: nice crooked pic of sand key & part of the camera held by K.
trucolorsfly: welcome to Clearwater Beach
trucolorsfly: this stuff is da bomb. hooray for lidocaine!
trucolorsfly: bay breeze in the shade
trucolorsfly: breakfast
trucolorsfly: marina
trucolorsfly: there are a few shells here.
trucolorsfly: yeah this'll do.
trucolorsfly: frangipani!
trucolorsfly: 'unnecessary' quotation marks'
trucolorsfly: flu shot gift cards! will this be funny in the morning?
trucolorsfly: where am I?
trucolorsfly: oxymoron
trucolorsfly: SW 441 to BWI. wait what? MD is on the way to FL from KY?
trucolorsfly: thw trees ask wth we're going at o'dark-thirty