trucolorsfly: sunflower, treelet, watermelon, pumpkin, & cukes
trucolorsfly: flower garden
trucolorsfly: lettuce corn cosmos poppies daisies sunflowers
trucolorsfly: first cuke bloom. w00t!
trucolorsfly: what flower is this?
trucolorsfly: what's up tiger lily?
trucolorsfly: flowers are sprouting #fb
trucolorsfly: water drops on the hosta. so pretty.
trucolorsfly: if I'd realized they were going to be so huge I'd have put them farther apart.
trucolorsfly: what are these purple flowers? (and see peonies & hosta in the background)
trucolorsfly: yay bluebells!
trucolorsfly: my violet
trucolorsfly: jack & the morningglory
trucolorsfly: BIG morningglories. I only planted one packet... hm.
trucolorsfly: small morningglories
trucolorsfly: cypress vine
trucolorsfly: coming in for a landing
trucolorsfly: cosmos
trucolorsfly: zinnias
trucolorsfly: nasturtium
trucolorsfly: morningglory
trucolorsfly: the moonflowers took over the flowerbed. and still no blooms.
trucolorsfly: finally a nasturtium
trucolorsfly: another shot of the morningglory procession (enjoying the quiet cool)
trucolorsfly: the last of the volunteer cosmos
trucolorsfly: profusion of morningglorry seed pods
trucolorsfly: finally moonflowers!
trucolorsfly: procession of morningglories over the fence #fb
trucolorsfly: wild morningglories & the knockout rose